During this exercise students have to show their agility and ingenuity to discuss the relationship between transport and human rights within a minute. They also will know who is responsible for the compliance of human rights.
Wait a minute! Talking about social role of transport & transport culture
- Застосування вправи: На уроці
- Повна назва закладу/установи/організації, в якій Ви працюєте: Миколаївська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №17 ім.Саражана В.Г.
- Предмет: Іноземна мова
- Тема уроку/години спілкування: Travelling. Means of transport
- Клас: 7
- Ключова складова громадянської компетентності: Повага до людської гідності та прав людини
- Додаткова/і складова/і компетентності: Повага, Вміння слухати та спостерігати, Знання та критичне розуміння світу
- Очікувані результати:
- communication skills in foreign language
- ability to listen and perceive ideas & views of other people
- ability to express their own thoughts, feelings and attitudes
- to convince by means of a foreign language that it’s important to respect human rights and dignity
- Тривалість вправи: 45 хвилин
- Інструкція для проведення вправи:
- ● Offer your students to sit in a circle.
- ● Pass the hat round. Ask each student in turn, without looking, to take out one shirt of paper with a written statement (see Additional material).
- ● Give 5 minutes to the students to prepare their one-minute answer (argument) to a suggested problem. The rules are the following: no hesitations and no repetitions.
- ● Then let everyone in the circle give their "speeches" in turn.
- ● After each "speech", allow 2-3 minutes for short comments for short comments. If somebody else would like to express his / her own thought, note the topic and agree to return to it at the end.
- ● When everyone has had their turn, go back and finish any discussions that had to be cut short.
- ● Then proceed to debriefing and evaluation.
How difficult was it to comment on the statements?
Which of the following statements was the most difficult to discuss? Why?
Are you planning to enhance your transport culture?
What human rights were discussed?
- Підсумок за результатами проведення вправи:
Students realize the importance of respecting human rights regardless of people’s social status; express their own opinions and positions on the proposed problems; improve the ability to listen to the opinions of others; raise their educational and cultural levels
- Роздаткові матеріали: Завантажити файл...
- Використані джерела:
Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young people. URL: https://www.coe.int/en/web/compass/just-a-minute
- Необхідне обладнання/матеріали, облаштування класу, тощо: - statements, written on shirts of paper (one per participant); - sheets of paper & pens for students (if they need to make notes). - a hat; - a watch with a stopwatch; - chairs arranged in a circle